"Reverses Numerous Effects of Aging, Repairs Tissue, Burns Fat, Adds Muscle,
Strengthens the Immune System"
The word “hormone” comes from the Greek term that means “to
set in motion.” Human Growth Hormonee (HGH) sets growth in motion throughout
life. Every organ system is significantly effected by HGH directly, or
indirectly through intermediaryinsulin-like growth factors (IGF) and associated binding
proteins. HGH (also called somatotropin) is a protein-like hormone (peptide) produced
in the pituitary.
a pea-size gland in the center of the brain. Transported
by the blood throughout the body, circulatory HGH has a half-life of approx. 9 minutes,
[1] In the liver, HGH stimulates production of IGF-I (also called somatomedin-C)
and other growth factors. IGF and other HGH metabolites may prove to be
more clinically significant than HGH in the hormonal cascade.
HGH was discovered in the 1920s and first isolated in
1956. In 1958, an endocrinologist at the New England Medical Center first
injected the hormone in a growth-stunted child, and the child soon began
to grow. Thousands of growth-stunted children with HGH-deficiency were treated
in the decades that followed, using HGH derived from the pituitary glands
of human cadavers.
Treatment of HGH-deficient children ceased in the 1980s
because biological contamination caused a few of the children tragically
to become infected with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). known today as “mad
cow” disease in England. [2] Researchers turned their attention to creating a
safe form of HGH using then-emerging recombinant-DNA techniques.
In 1985, the
first bioengineered growth hormone, called “Protropin,” was produced at Genentech
in California. In 1986, researchers at Eli Lilly in Indiana successfully
created “Humatrop,” the first lab-made human growth hormone that is 100% identical
to nature’s HGH: a single chain of 191 amino acids. Both companies share
patent rights.
In a paper published by the Journal of American Geriatrics
Society in 1985, endocrinologist Daniel Rudman from Madison, Wisconsin
first proposed that the safe new form of HGH could be used to reverse aging in
HGH-deficient individuals. Since then, numerous HGH studies have been conducted.
By repeatedly having passed controlled, randomized. double-blind studies,
HGH has been proven to prevent or reverse aging’s effects. [3]
R.DA.. Minimal Requirements. The US. Government has not
established a Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for any hormones
or hormone releasers. HGH and IGF-1 are only available by prescription.
Unique Needs, HGH replacement therapy may be advisable
for individuals who are HGH deficient, as determined by blood tests. Although
HGH levels drop dramatically with age, serum IGF shifts are more subtle
and testable.
Signs of Deficiency. In children, HGH deficiency is associated
with stunted growth as a result of inhibited skeletal development. In adults,
the signs of HGH deficiency are believed by some researchers to include far-ranging
conditions and diseases such as aging, fatigue, senility, Alzheimer’s disease,
osteoporosis, organ atrophy, increased body fat, increased waist-to-hip ratio of fat
distribution, decreased lean mass, undesirable cholesterol profiles, increased craving
for sweets, high blood pressure, reduced muscle bulk, reduced renal plasma flow,
reduced anaerobic threshold, reduced exercise capacity, skin discoloration,
hair toss and graying, etc. Food Sources.
If HGH is consumed orally, the very large protein
molecules break
down in the digestive tract before absorption is possible.
However, HGH production in the body can be stimulated by oral administration
of HGH precursor Growth Hormone Releasing Agents (GHRA) and IGF-1 simulators:
combinations of the amino acids arginine (2-5 g daily) P ornithine (2-5 g),
lysine (i-2 g)‘ and glutamine(2 g). [3] These amino acids, when taken in the correct
combination, preferably on an empty stomach and just before bedtime, are reported
to produce a significant increase in the circulating HGH. In addition, 2 g daily
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an amino acid essential for proper brain function,
has been shown to increase the HGH in circulation. [4j All these supplements
should be cycled to allow natural production of HGH to continue, but cycling
recommendations (as well as suggested daily do sages) vary considerably within
the community of scientists and nutrition experts!
HGH injection therapy requires a prescription and involves
daily shots that can be self-administered, The cost of the injections
is approximately $1,OOO per month. Prior to treatment, the patient’s blood levels
of somatomedin-C are measured. Lower levels can be predictive of more rapid
and noticeable improvements as a result of therapy over the course of
6-38 months.
injections are administered in cycles of six days per week for several
months, then a month without injections, to promote the body’s capacity for
producing its own HGH. HGH releasers are widely available without prescription,
including arginine, ornithine, and other amino acids taken orally as supplements.
These releasers are considered by some researchers to be less effective than
HGH injections, but the cost for the oral supplements is approximately 10 percent
the cost of the injection programs.
Fasting and regular vigorous exercise such as weight-training
have been shown to naturally increase the circulating levels of HGH. [3,
5] Recent studies have shown that HGH production can be stimulated by sleep or by
sleep deprivation. HGH is produced in bursts by the pituitary during the early
hours of deepest sleep- [3]
Why People Take It
Anti-Aging. HGH therapy reverses many of the signs
of aging and restores youthful vigor and drive. Reported therapy results include
heightened sexuality, younger skin, wrinkle removal, sharper vision, enhanced
memory, mood elevation, higher energy level, greater capacity for exercise, and
improved sleep. HGH therapy has been shown to result in lowered blood pressure,
improved cholesterol profiles, greater cardiac capacity, rejuvenation of vital
organs that shrink with age, stronger bones, elimination of cellulite, and faster
healing of injuries. [3, 6]
Weight Loss. Studies have shown 14.4 percent loss of
body fat on average after six months of HGH therapy, without dieting. [ 3, 5, 7,
8 ]
Body Building. Studies have shown 8.8 percent increase
in muscle mass on average after six months of HGH therapy, without exercise.
[ 3, 5, 8 ] HGH shows the greatest potential for increasing lean muscle mass
in conjunction with vigorous resistance exercise, such as intensive weight training.
AIDS. Somatotropin is used in the treatment of AIDS-related
wasting, which is the debilitating condition of body weight falling significantly
below normal weight levels, with associated loss of energy and stamina. [9]
Anti-Aging Considerations
In 21-year-olds, the normal levels of circulating HGH
is approximately 10 milligrams per deciliter of blood; in 61-year-olds, the average
is 2 ml/dl, which represents an 80 percent decrease.. [3] tn some cases, older people
have circulatory HGH levels that are less than 10 percent of youthful levels. [7]
By age 65, an estimated 50 percent of the population is partially or wholly HGH
deficient. [3] By the time men and women are in their 70's, 38 percent of adults are
as deficient in HGH as growth-stunted children. [3]
Study results indicate that increased circulatory HGH
has greater capacity to prevent and reverse the aging process than any other
substance known to science. [10] In particular. HGH injections appear to hold great
promise. The goal of all forms of HGH replacement therapy is to restore normal
levels to those of early adulthood, for example, to age 30 years. HGH replacement
improves sex drive, sexual performance, fertility, sperm production, and
ovulation. [7] HGH therapy is more effective when administered in conjunction with
DHEA therapy, as well as estrogen/progesterone replacement for women and testosterone
replacement for men. [t]
HGH therapy effects the entire body: improving the skin, strengthening the bones,
returning muscles and organs to their youthful size and
function. [3, 7] In the area of skin quality, HGH replacement causes the epidermal
to retain more water, which noticeably reduces wrinkling. In addition, the skin thickens,
age spots diminish, accumulated sun damage is lessened, and the skin becomes
softer to the touch. HGH therapy greatly improves the immune system, lowers
risk of heart attack and stroke, and effectively fights obesity. [ 3, 7 ] Increasing
HGH levels improves cardiac and pulmonary function, increases oxygen update, and
increases exercise capacity- [11] Without exercise, HGH therapy increases
muscle mass. Without dieting, HGH reduces body fat. With a law-fat diet and
regular exercise, proper levels of HGH in the elderly have been shown to accelerate
the reduction of body fat and promotion of lean muscle mass. Elderly men with
age-shrunken organs and muscles experienced tissue regrowth such that their liver,
spleen, and muscles again attained the size they had been in the men’s youth.
[3] In some cases, the
head and facial hair thickened and turned from gray to
the original color of their youth.
Researchers have reported additional findings: HGH replacement
therapy has resulted in faster healing from any of several types
of injury, fracture, or wound [7]; improvement in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s syndromes
[7]; and enhanced brain function, mental well-being. and mood.
Safety Considerations
When ‘taken in the proper amounts, recombinant HGH is
considered by some researchers to be safe with no known side effects or
contraindications. However, others suggest that additional HGH may be linked to diabetes
[12], cancer [13], and conditions such as severe fluid retention [14], high
blood pressure [15], enlarged male breasts [2, 16], and acromegaly (facial,
arm, and leg bone elongation).. [16. 17]
There does not necessarily seem
to be agreement as to what constitutes “proper amounts” although most studies concur
that doses which are too great or too small are therapeutically ineffective.
In Dr. Rudman’s landmark early studies, the doses were too high. which resulted
in carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrists. [3] It is now known that excessive HGH over
prolonged time frames may permanently result in enlargement of the joints and deepening
of the voice. [18] HGH therapy is not advised for children and young people
who have not yet attained their full height, unless they are under the
direct care of a physician during treatment. [18]
[1] “DSL Announces 510(k) Clearance for ACTlVE(tm) Human
Growth Hormone IRMA Kit” [for clinicians] at http://www.dslabs.com/pr101900.htm
[2] Winter, MS., Ruth, The Anti-Aging Hormones (New York:
1997, Three Rivers Press, Crown Publishers, Inc.), pages 45,60. ISBN O-609-8001
f3] Klatz, D.O., Ronald with Kahn, Carol, Grow Young
with HGH (New York: 1997, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.), pages 4, 5, 7-9,42,44,
170, 201-205, 230. ISBN O-06-018682-8 143 Cavagnini, F,, Invitti, C., Pinto, M. et al., ‘“Effect
of acute and repeated administration of gamma amminobutryic acid (GABA) on
growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man.” Acta Endoctinologica, 1980,
93, 149-I 54.
/5] Rudman, D., Feller, A.&, Nagraj, H.S., et al.,
“Effects of human growth
hormone in men over 60 years old,” New England Journal
of Medicine, 1990,
323:1-6. iis] Klatz, DO., Ronald and Goldman, D.0,. Robert Stopping
the Clock (New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Pubfishing, Inc., 1996), page
46. ISBN: O-87983-717-9
[7] Cranton, MD., E&l., and Castro, M.D., E.. “Patient
Instructions fur Human
Growth Hormone (HGH),” online at http://www.drcranton.com/hghart2.htm
and http://www.drcranton.com/faqhrt.com
[8] Eades, M.D., Michael R. and Eades, M.D., Mary Dan,
Protein Power (New York: 1996, Bantam Books), pages 222,231. ISBN O-553-10183-8
[9] Dieterich, MD., D.T., “‘Advances in the pathophysiology
and treatment of
HIV-associated wasting,” The Journal of the American
Medical Association
(JAMA): “HIV/AIDS information Center” online at http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/treatmeny/updates/wasting.htm
[10] Cranton, MD., Elmer and Fryer, William, Resetting
the Clock (New York:
1996, M. Evans and Company, Inc.), page 33. ISBN O-87131-823-7
[11] Nass, R., Huber, R.M., Klauss, V. et al., “Effect
of growth hormone (HGH)
replacement therapy on physical work capacity and cardiac
and plumonary function in patients with HGH deficiency acquired in adulthood.”
in J Clin Encorinal Metab, Feb. 1995, 80(2):552-7,
(120 Fososs& PhD., M.D., Michael, Reversing Human
Aging (New York: 1996,
William Morrow and Company), page 146. ISBN O-688-14324-5
Fireside), page 173. ISBN 0684-81106-5
[14] Regelson, MD,, William and Colman, Carol, The Super-Hormone
(New York: T996, Simon & Schuster), page 209.1SBN:
[I5] Evans, Ph,D,, William and Rosenberg, M.D., Irwin
l-l,, Biomakers: The 10
Keys to, Prolonging vitality (New York: Fireside, 1992),
page 46. ISBN:
[16] Lamm, M.D., Steven and Coutens, Gerald Secor, Younger
at Last: The New World ofuf Vitality Medicine (New York: 1997, Simon &
Schuster), page 209. ISBN 0-684-83438-3
[17] Colgan, Ph.D,, Michael, Optimum Sports Nutrition:
Your Competitive Edge (Rankonkoma NY: 1993, Advanced Research Press), pages
427,429. ISBN O-964840-5-9
[18] Pearson, Durk and Shaw, Sandy. Life Extension: A
Practical Scientific
Approach (New York: 1980, Warner Books), pages 477-478,
ISBN 0-446-38735-5 Vitality Research institute is dedicated to empowering
people through education, by developing, documenting, and disseminating research findings
on the timely subjects of anti-aging, human life longevity, nutrition-based
vitality enhancement, and the vitality health sciences.
The information provided by Vitality Research Institute
is intended to educate and enlighten and is not intended nor should it be utilized
as medical advice; each individual’s specific health situation is unique, and
individuals should seek the advice of a health care professional in matters related
to his or her health and well-being.