"Definitions of Cordyceps"
Ingredients: Cordyceps sinensis
Pharmaceutical Name: cordyceps
Chinese Name: dong chong xia cao
Japanese Name: tochukaso
Processing: This product is manufactured from wild strains of
Cordyceps sinensis, grown on organic brown rice. A three state, alcohol-water process in a 6:1
concentration of powdered herbal material to solvent is utilized to
both the mycelium and fruiting body of the live mushroom.
Traditional Classification and Use
Thermal Dynamic: neutral to slightly warm
Taste: sweet
Properties: replenishes Kidney yin (jing) and consolidates its
essence + restores Kidney yang (the ming huo- Life Fire) + strengthens the Lung and supplements
its moisture + transforms phlegm + checks bleeding + does not generate
excess heat or dampness since it supplements both yin and yang
Clinical Indications: withering and wasting of moisture,
marrow, and tissue; prolonged recovery or debility following illness; severe deficiency of the Lung and Kidney
characterized by chronic asthma and cough, with or without bloody sputum;
deafness; hemorrhoids; spontaneous or night sweating; susceptibility
to external illness; lumbago; leg pain and weakness; infertility; impotence;
involuntary seminal discharge; accelerated signs of aging (forgetfulness, withering of skin, hair, and flesh), lowered resistance to respiratory
infections; allergies.
Modem Bio-Medical Classification
Active Compounds: cordycepic acid;
cordycepin; glutamic acid;
amino acids (phenylalanine, proline, histidine, valine, oxyvaline, and arginine), and unsaturated
fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids); carbohydrates (d-mannitol); vitamin B-12.
Physiologic Actions: adreno-tonic; anti-asthmatic (bronchio-dilating);
anti-spasmodic; tranquilizing, hypnotic, soporific; anti-bacterial (resistant to tuberculosis,
pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, streptococcus pnumoniae, and subtilis
bacilli); anti-fungal; anti-hypertensive; anti-cancer (inhibits growth of human
naso-pharyngeal tumor cells).
Clinical Indications: bronchial asthma; insomnia; nervousness;
adrenal hypo-function; malignant tumor; bacterial infection; hypertension; hyperactivity of intestines,
uterus, or heart; tuberculosis; hemoptysis; anemia; excessive sweating,
Commentary and General Applications: Cordyceps
sinensis, another
famous fungus from the Chinese pharmacopia, has been shown by modem research to promote
phagocytosis of peritoneal macrophages, enhance the function of the reticula-endothelial
system, and reduce cholesterol levels. In the wild, cordyceps grows in the Himalayas
from moth larvae. Its Chinese name - dong chong xia cao - literally means “summer grass, winter worm”.
After many years of effort, a biologist
in Northern California has succeeded in taming a rare, wild strain of cordyceps gathered in the mountains of China, persuading it to grow on a substrate
of organic whole-grain brown rice under laboratory conditions. Because the cordyceps’ life cycle peaks in both winter and summer,
it is considered to have the unique property of balancing the primal powers
of Water and Fire in the body, nourishing both yin and yang, soma and
psyche. It is an essence tonic that invigorates the breath and guards against
premature aging by fostering the body’s capacity to reproduce, grow, and regenerate.