how you can improve your Stamina and Endurance with the natural source for
energy in Cordyceps Sinensis."
With today's emphasis on natural herbal supplements, this ancient
formula has been rediscovered and scientifically reproduced with
amazing results.
Scientists, working with one of China's leading herbal research
facilities, took the ancient formula and blended it with other
Chinese herbs achieving what is believed to be an even more
effective formula.
Find out for yourself what Tibetan mountain herdsmen have regarded as the
miracle agent that increases stamina and endurance.
This exotic substance, known to the ancient Ming Dynasty as a
Tibetan potion, was formulated to revitalize the "Chi" or life force of the
You Could Feel Like a Champion in 30 Days
You May Not need to Compete
in the World Games,
but wouldn't it be great
to feel like you could?
Learn about the rediscovery of this ancient formula - one that has upset
the world of sports.
Find out how unranked athletes suddenly
shattered dozens of world records in just one year.
help you understand how powerful Cordyceps really is,
I have compiled this table of articles explaining the
capabilities of cordyceps sinensis.
There is a lot of information in the table below that I
hope you will find useful. The key to improving
your personal health is to stay informed.
View Published Articles and Studies about Cordyceps
Cordyceps, the "miracle ingredient," the power
within Cordyceps sinensis was discovered 1,500 years ago in the Tibetan mountain pastures.
Chinese herdsmen observed that their cattle and livestock became very
energetic after eating a grass-like mushroom - even the older animals
became vigorous and more youthful in their actions.
Chinese practitioners were soon making up powerful
potions of this substance for many of life's maladies. About 1,000
years later, the Emperor's physicians in the Ming Dynasty learned about this Tibetan
wonder and used this knowledge with their own wisdom to develop powerful
and potent uses of this wonder substance known as Cordyceps.
Not too long ago Chinese sports teams while working
with Chinese scientists came across Cordyceps. They had been looking
for performance-enhancing dietary supplements for their teams.
What the herbalists found was one of nature's
most incredible secrets. A secret of energy enhancement so incredible,
it led Track & Field News to say: "They (the Chinese) appear to have
come up with the greatest quantum leap in human performance in history."
It may be virtually impossible for most top athletes to compete in any
sporting event with those athletes who are using this earth-shaking
Many athletes feel the old playing
field is gone forever while experts are saying the supplement has set
athletics in other countries back 25 years. Serious athletes are
saying it is better to eat this potent supplement than to eat the dust of
their competitors.
World Record-Breaking Results!
Using the Chinese Formula with Cordyceps
1993 World Games, Stuttgart, Germany and 1993 National Games, Beijing, China:
Six Chinese women break world
records 17 times, utterly smashing nine of them. Reporters wrote, "They
(Chinese women) looked as fresh as if they had been sipping jasmine tea,"
after running races and breaking world records "with both speed and
stamina that have never coexisted in one female body.
Until now." Not one of these women
was ranked in the top 10 in any event before these meets. These
beginning athletes in track and field events had achieved superhuman
results and status almost overnight.
These athletes:
● Shattered the 10,000 meter world record by 42 seconds
● Broke the 3,000 meter world record by 10 seconds
● Beat the 1,500 meter world record by two seconds
● Five Chinese runners broke an "unbeatable" world record in the same race,
and one runner was only 17 years old.
1994 World Championships, Rome, Italy: Chinese women win 12 of 16 events and break five world records.
Cordyceps Energy Supplement