"The Functions of Cordyceps"
Functions and clinical use:
* Nourishes the Lungs and fortifies the Kidneys: used for cough, night
sweats, impotence, spermatorrhea, and weakness during recovery from a severe illness.
Because it tonifies both the Yin and Yang and is a very safe substance, it can be taken over a long
period of time.
* Nourishes the Lung Yin: used for cough, wheezing, and coughing up
blood. It is especially useful for chronic Consumption.
Major combinations:
* With duck, chicken, pork, or fish as a stew for weakness, dizziness,
spontaneous sweating, and other symptoms of debility and lowered resistance from a weakened Protective
* With Cortex Eucommiac Ulmoidis (Du Zhong), Herba Epimedii (Yin Yang Hua), and Herba
Cistanches (Rou Cong Rong) for such symptoms as impotence, sore and
weak lower back and lower extremities, and spermatorrhea associated with Deficient Kindney
* With Semen Pruni Armeniacae (Xing Ren), Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae
(Chuan Bei Mu), and Gelatinurn Asini (E Jiao) for such symptoms as cough, wheezing, coughing
up blood, and chest pain from Deficient Lung Yin.
Major known ingredients: cordycepic acid, cordycepin, vitamin B12
Pharmacological and clinical research:
* Antibiotic effect: very dilute solutions of Cordyceps Sinensis (Dong
Chong Xia Cao) have an in & inhibitory effect against some of the tuberculosis bacilli. Preliminary
studies also show an inhibitory effect in vitro on Streptococcus pneumoniae.
* Effect on muscle: water extractions of Cordyceps Sinensis (Dong Chong
Xia Cao) inhibit the contraction of smooth and cardiac muscle in many animal experiments.
This herb causes brochodilation of guinea pig lung specimens, inhibits contraction of
intestinal and uterine specimens from rabbits, and inhibits heart specimens and in situ heart
tissue from frogs.
Physiological activities:
In recent studies, Cordycepin GP has shown to possess the following
physiological activities:
1. Influence on Energy Metabolism:
Animal studies in rats have shown that Cordycepin GP stimulates the
glycolysis of erthocytes leading to the increased formation of ATP, enhances liver functions
and CPK activities in muscular ceils in the conversion of ADP to ATP using CP as the phosphate
donor [I]. [I].
2. Influence on Endocrine Functions:
Androgenic activities have been demonstrated in Cordycepin GP. This
preparation has been shown in clinical trials by Chinese researchers to have restorative
effects in impaired sexual functions as a result of hormonal imbalance [2].
3. Influence on Immune Functions:
In cellular studies, researchers have observed that Cordycepin GP increased
the production of macrophages as well as natural killer lymphocytes probably via the
increased synthesis of RNA in the spleen cells [3].
4. Anti-senile Activities:
In animal studies, researchers have observed that Cordycepin GP increases
the activities of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in liver tissue, inhibit the formation of
superoxide in membrane lipids and enhances the activities of cerebral monamine oxidase both
in rats & mice [4,5].
Therapeutic Applications:
Cordycepin GP is intended to be used as a supertonic for anti-aging,
for sustenance of general good health as well as the improvement of athletic performance. For
the past several decades, however, it has been sought after in China as an excellent nutricetical
for its unusual therapeutic application in the prevention and relief of the following conditions:
Impaired sexual & liver functions, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,
hyperglyceridemia, hypothyroidism,
asthma, chronic bronchitis as well as infectious hepatitis. Nevertheless, the above information should be used for internal reference
only and under no circumstances should it be construed as medical claims.