"A Technical Description of Cordyceps"
Dongchonxiacao, Cordyceps, is the dry complex composed of the sclerotium
of the fungus Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. (Clavicipitaceae) and the larva corpses
of insects of the family Hepialidae, on which the fungus is parasitic. It is officially
listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is used as hemostatic, mycolytic,
and expectorant in the treatment of respiratory diseases and as a tonic.
Chemical Constituents
The chemical constituents of C. sinensis were first studied by Chatterjee
et al. in 1957 [1]. A crystalline substance was isolated and named “cordycepic acid”, and
was then identified by Sprecher and Sprinson as D-mannitol [2]. Further studies on the chemical
constituents of Cordyceps revealed the presence of a series of known substances, but
new structures or compounds with significant pharmacological efficacy were not found.
The chemical constituents
isolated from C. sinensis were amino acids, steak acid, D-mannitol, mycose,
ergosterol, uracil, adenine, adenosine [3,4], palmitic acid, cholesterolpalmitate and 5a-8a-epidioxy-5a-ergosta-6,22
dien-3pß-ol (48-l) [5]. 5a-8a-epidioxy-5a-ergosta-6,22dien-3ß-ol (48-1)
Since the production of C. sinensis has not satisfied demand, C. hawkesii
was found as a substitute for C. sinensis. Comparison of the chemical constituents
between C. hawkesii and C. sinensis based on thin-layer chromatography has shown that amino acid,
alkaloid, sterol, and organic acid contents are similar [6,7].
Moreover, Cordyceps can be
cultured submerged. Ergosterol, stearic acid, p-mannitol, mycose, uracil,
uridine, adenine,
adenosine. and 13 amino acids were seperated in both the cultured broth and mycelium of C.
sinensis 181. In addition, C. bamesii [9, 10], C. liangshanensis [11], C. militaris
[12], and C. shanxiensis [13] were investigated botanically and chemically. They were all used as
substitutes for C. sinensis. The D-mannitol contents in C. bamesii and C. sinensis were 8.7% and
7.8%, respectively, and the ergosterol contents in C. bamesii and C. sinensis were 1.2% and
1-1% respectively.
The contents of proteins, total amino acids, and alkaloids in both species
were also similar [9]. Cultivation of C. bamesii was also reprorted [14]. From ascocarps of C.
sinensis, as water-soluble polysaccharide was
isolated and purified by etanol fractionation and gel filtration. D-Galactose and D-mannose
in a molar ratio of 1:1 were obtained by acid hydrolysis of purified polysaccharide. Chemical degradation
and carbon 13 NMR spectrometic analysis showed that this polysaccharide is a highly
branched galacto-mannan with a mannan core and galactosyl oligomer branches [15].
A water-soluble,
minor galactomannan containing a small proportion of protein was further
isolated from a 5% Na,CO, extract of C. sinensis. It showed a homogeneous pattern in gel filtration
and the molecular weight was estimated to be about 23,000. This minor polysaccharide
was mainly composed of Do-mannose and D-galactose in a molar ratio of 35 and had a highly
branched structure [16].
Both natural Cordyceps and cultured mycelia of C. sinensis have significant
effects on the immune system of mice. They can increase the size of the spleen, decrease
the size of the thymus, and prevent atrophy of spleen and liver and hypertrophy of
the thymus in mice induced by cyclophosphamide [17]. The DNA, RNA, and protein contents in the
enlarged spleen were significantly increased. The effect of the thymus was abolished by
adrenalectomy. The extract increased the incorporation of [ H] thymidine into spleen DNA in vivo
and the proliferation of splenocytes in vitro. The active principle was found to be present
in the stroma rather than in the lanra [18].
The aqueous extracts of natural Cordyceps and the cultured mycelia
of C. sinensis can enhance the production of macrophages and activate the functions of
the phagocytic system. They not only enhance the phagocytic activity of the macrophages, but
also increase the alkaline phosphatase activity of the macrophages [19]. In addition, serum hemolysin
and spenocytic immunohemolytic activities were elevated in mice immune suppressed
by hydrocortisone.
In normal mice, however, no such regulatory effect on humoral immunity
was observed [20]. The polysaccharide of C. sinensis also showed immunostimulating activity
in mice. It activated the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system and of macrophages
in the abdominal cavity and increased blood serum IgG and plasma corticosterone levels
and spleen weight. The polysaccharide also antagonized spleen atrophy and leukocyte decrease
induced by cortisone and cyclophosphamide, and the reduction of phagocytic function of macrophages
in the abdominal cavity, but did not inhibit the anti-inflammatory function
of cortisone [21].
Some results of clinical studies with C. sinensis for treatment of
tinnitus [22], chronic nephritis [23,24], arrhythmia [25], and sexual hypofunction [26] were recently
reported. For instance, treatment with C. sinensis significantly decreased proteinuria of the
patients with chronic nephritis in 24 h. Two patients with hematuria as the major clinical
manifestation responded with strongly decreased erythrocyte counts in urine [23].
1. Chatterjee R. Srinivasan KS, Maiti PC (1957) Cordyceps
sinensis: structure of cordycepic acid. J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 46:114-118
2. Sprecher M. Sprinson DB (1963) A reinvestigation of
the structure of “cordycepic acid’. J Org. Chem. 28:2490- 2491
3. Lu RM, Yang YC, Yang YP, Wang SF (1981) Study on chemical
constituents in Cordyceps sinensis Sacc. Chin. Pharm. Bull. 1655
4. Xu WH, Xuc. Z. Ma JM (1988) Water-soluble constituents
in Cordyceps sinensis. I. Bull. Chin. Mat. Med. 8:32- 33.
5. Xiao YQ, Liu JM, Tu YY (1983). Studies on chemical
constituents in Cordyceps sinensis. I. Bull Chin Mat Med 8:32- 33
6. Huang HY, Chou SH, Ho HL (1980) Comparison of the
chemical constituents between yaxianbangchoncao(Cordyceps hawkesii) and dongchonxiacao (C.
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7. Huang HT, Chou SH, Ho HL (1981) Comparison of chemical
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8. Lu RM, Yang YC, Yue DC, Wang SF, fan TJ, Huo ZM, Wang
CF, Yang YP (1982) Chemical composition of the submerged culture of Cordyceps sp. No. 1. Weishengwuxue
Tongbao 9:166-l 68
9. Yang HD, Ma ZL, Sun TQ, Zhang XC, Cai JG (1985) Comparative
study on the chemical constituents between xiangbangchongcao (Cordyceps barnesii) and cordyceps
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10. Guo YW, Wang SM, Gao JD, Zhou YZ, Ma XF, Zhuang X,
Cheng XB, Liu JH (1985) Preliminary study on Cordyceps bamesii comparison of chemical constituents
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11. Tan ZY, Gao R, Gao Y, Xie CZ (1985) Comparative study
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12. Gao HA, Chenz SZ, Wang LR, Zhang LS, Li JR (1987)
Comparison of some chemical constituents of Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis Bull Chin Mat Med 12:
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13. Liu B. Rong FX, Jin HS (1985) A new species of the
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14. Ma XF, Chai QY, Hou X (1986) Survey of the ecology
of Cordyceps bernesii. Bull Chin Mat Med 11 : 13-14
15. Miyazaki T, Oikawa N. Yamada H, (1977) Studies on
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16. Kiho T, Tabata H, Ukai S, Hara C (1986) Polysaccharides
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17. Chen DM, Zhang SL, Li ZN, Cheng ZQ. Liu XP (1985)
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18. Liu GT, Xu RL (1985) lmmunopharmawlogy of Comceps
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19, Zhang SL, Chen DM, Cheng ZQ, Liu XP (1985) Activation
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Chin J. lntegr Trad West Med 5:4547
20. Tang RJ, Wang ZP. Min ZH, Zhang J (1986) Pharmacology
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22, Zhuang JM, Chen HL (1985) Treatment of tinnitus with
Cordyceps infusion: a report of 23 cases. Fujian Med J 7:42
23. Shen LM, Chen YP (1985) Treatment of 18 cases of
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24. Chen YP. Liu WZ, Shen LM, Xu SN (1986) Clinical effects
of natural cordyceps and cultured mycelia of Cordyceps sinensis in kidney failure. Chin Trad Herbal Drugs 17:256-258
25. Yu HS (1985) Treatment of arrhythmia with Cordyceps sinensis. J Zhejiang Trad Chin Med Coll 9:28
26. Yang WZ, Deng XA, Hu W (1985) Treatment of sexual
hypofunction with Cordyceps sinensis. Jiangxi Zhongyiyao 5:46-47